Showcase Your Event. Engage Your Audience.


get the most out of your event

Event recap videos are a fantastic way to showcase your events, fortify your brand, and demonstrate what you can do for your customers. At Parmley Productions, we create professional, cinematic recap videos that turn your company events into valuable marketing assets. We have experience working with events of all sizes and talent to meet all of your needs. A good event recap video should encapsulate all of the excitement and importance of your event in a succinct and digestible form.

what can you do with event media?

You’ve spent countless hours, money, and resources to put together the perfect event, but without a professional event recap video, you’re missing out on a lot of value for your business. Here are some benefits you get by working with Parmley Productions for your next event:
• Increase Customer Loyalty – A professional recap video is a great way for your attendees
to relive the memorable moments of your event.
• Grow Your Social Media Presence – By creating and sharing a unique, engaging and
powerful event recap video, you will attract new engagement on social media, giving
your company a whole new audience.
• Reusable Content – Parmley Productions can repurpose the footage from your event
recap video into shorter video assets that you can use for all of your marketing efforts.